Comments on: Do Methionine Supplementation & Restriction Have Benefits? Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Wed, 22 Sep 2021 22:33:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wed, 22 Sep 2021 22:33:08 +0000 What are some food sources for Methionine (along with amounts per ounce, etc)? Thanks!

By: Paul.k Fri, 22 Nov 2019 10:13:23 +0000 Regarding restriction of EAA/Protein diet

“Restriction of essential amino acids dictates the systemic response to dietary protein dilution” (2019)

By: Matt Adcock Mon, 27 May 2019 12:00:22 +0000 I am not sure why this old post popped up as an email, but I’ll respond again. I did not go into specifics in my other post about cancer, polyamines, or desulfuromonas. Cancer is said to be a polyamine driven disease. Polyamines are biogenic amines that facilitate the transfer of proteins, substrates, and polyvalent cations into and out of the cells. If you increase animal protein intake, which increases methionine levels, you increase not only the production of DNA but also the functioning of polyamines. Any situation of inflammation or the cytokine cascade increases the loss of polyvalent cations and substrates. This, along with increased DNA production, can be very detrimental in base pairing during DNA production. Epigenetic shifts occur to prevent some negative effects but as the cation availability decreases, the immune response diminishes. Increased DNA with higher base pairing errors with a lowered immune response is catastrophic long term.

Desulfuromonas are a genus of gram negative bacteria that reduce elemental sulfur. If we eat a high methionine based diet (high animal protein), we increase the number of desulfuromonas in our GI tract. The space available on the villi is limited and for optimal health, a bacteria in the GI tract need to be certain proportions. Lactobacillus numbers are decreased with high animal protein ingestion (high methionine) and they are not eliminated, they form spores. Each spore is takes up so much room that the space on the villi is no longer available and other needed bacteria are lost. The proportions of a healthy immune response are lost.

I could go into gram negative anaerobe issues from high methionine ingestion, but I try to keep these short. I sometimes get asked to write on various topics and do so on Facebook.

By: Jeffrey Florentino Mon, 27 May 2019 07:57:39 +0000 In reply to Teresa.

Hi Teresa, we do not sell methonine from our site. However, you may purchase it from Amazon or from

By: Teresa Sun, 26 May 2019 13:53:10 +0000 Hi Do you sell methionine

By: Umashanker Navik Fri, 24 Aug 2018 17:49:01 +0000 Thanks for the info,

By: Matt Adcock, RPh Fri, 29 Jun 2018 06:26:54 +0000 Almost everything you said is correct and yet you are still wrong. You aren’t seeing the forest for the trees. Immune response and reducing ROS is what is important and methionine rich foods like you mentioned will decrease your immune response. Those foods, ie animal protein, cause more gram negative anaerobe growth in the GI tract and they increase IL-10 levels, increase Tryptophanase production, lower intracolonic Vitamin B production, alter nutrient absorption, cause more BMAA problems, and increase oxidized cholesterol. Your own published data states that a 70kg person needs 1.1 gm/d of methionine and a vegan diet provides 2.3gm/day. Even the elderly have a 1.8 gm/d intake of methionine and studies do show that pulsed protein intake is beneficial to their health. That is because their increased eating of animal protein their entire life have increased their Bacteriodete levels to the point that eating protein reduces oxidative stress because the Bacteriodetes need the nitrogen. Their down regulated immune response can’t handle the increased ROS from not eating nitrogen.. Like I said, almost everything you said was correct, but you are wrong. Eating meat daily or eating strictly as a Vegan isn’t the answer. Pulsed protein every three or four weeks depending on activity level is the answer, but animal protein needs to be reduced and nitrogen and methionine intake is the reason.

By: Jaz Sun, 04 Mar 2018 14:25:53 +0000 Ditto! Yes, it is excellent! I too am ThankFul! :-)

By: Jaz Sun, 04 Mar 2018 14:24:38 +0000 Vern Doria, SHUTUP! …he was NOT reporting on all conditions; he didn’t underline anything about Cancer. if you don’t value what has put on his Thread here in Print, then go somewhere else. Dam, some of you people! This guy knows a GREAT deal about what he’s put here in Print; he’s learned and 91% of what he has put here in Print can be substantiated…validated with researched data. Go do the research (Google) on your own Vern Doria. Duhhh!

By: Braven Kharett Sun, 04 Mar 2018 14:17:33 +0000 Matthew, excellent feedback one of the most poignant and knowledgeable on this Thread. Thank you! Cool.

By: Tim Fri, 09 Feb 2018 07:25:40 +0000 L-Methionine has been my antidote for Gilberts syndrome. Ive used it for 30 years. its especially good for those brain fog/mental confusion days.

By: Evan Sun, 07 Jan 2018 11:42:15 +0000 THANK YOU FOR A GREAT ARTICLE!!

By: Helen Thu, 21 Dec 2017 22:46:18 +0000 In reply to Niels Oostrom.

Hi, you can ask Joe inside of VIP: or over at

By: Niels Oostrom Thu, 21 Dec 2017 21:50:16 +0000 I have low homocysteine in blood panels, just under the bottom range and I respond horribly to TMG (gives me irritability and uncontrolled amounts of energy), what would be a good protocol for me? im assuming im overmethylated?

Oddly, Ive tried SAM-E before for a few days, didnt know 100% sure what to think of it for mood so stopped it, but certainly it wasnt giving me the overmethylation symptoms. Could L-methionine help or what should I take it? Im somewhat unmotivated and have flat affect.

By: Matthew Tue, 12 Dec 2017 16:36:09 +0000 It’s extremely hard to severely restrict methionine in one’s diet. I do eat meat and fish – and certainly believe it to be a healthy and enjoyable part of diet I should add – but I also incorporate a range of vegan meals in to my diet. Indeed, I’ve sat down and calculated my methionine intake from grains, beans and nuts and it’s absolutely fine – I happily hit requirements. Indeed, when I used to eat more meat and fish, my methionine intake was crazily high. Indeed, I generally think people would benefit from somewhat restricting the amount of protein in their diet and focusing on healthy fat and carb choices. It should also be noted that methionine, along with the likes of leucine and arginine, play a significant role in mTORC1 upregulation, which inhibits autophagy and negatively impacts many states of poor health.

By: Bob Fri, 27 Oct 2017 02:07:29 +0000 You’re likely an overmethylator who would benefit from more folate and not Sam-e or methionine. Look it up.

By: Benji Tue, 24 Oct 2017 00:04:22 +0000 Glycine and Serine are not essential amino-acids – no dietary intake is required. This study (1) provides an estimate of the requirements for aminoacids… A 165 pounds adult, needs roughly 975mg of methionine AND cysteine per day. A single piece of lean (100g – 3 oz) contains 150% of daily dietary needs. of methionine only.. 300g (10 oz) contains 400% of recommended of dietary intake for methionine only (2)! A person eating eggs, meat, fish on a daily basis surely has too much methionine and cysteine. On a plant-based diet, it’s easy to get the required amount of methionine-cysteine by eating a can of beans, some grains, nuts… and the b12 is provided by supplementation.


By: Vern Doria Thu, 05 Oct 2017 14:24:59 +0000 I don’t think the guy really knows what he’s talking about. He isn’t taking into consideration, people that are diagnosed with cancer. Since Methionine helps the body produce new blood vessels (angiogenisis) and that is what cancer uses to spread, I don’t think people with cancer should be supplementing with methionine or eating methionine rich meats..

By: stars Sun, 01 Oct 2017 17:58:30 +0000 I am thinking with absent iiver glutathione gene and mthfr gene mutatation I most likely dont have much methionine.. wondering if amino acid tests are worth it.. also whats with the methionine restriction for cancer approach>?

By: Laurie Wed, 02 Aug 2017 17:45:43 +0000 I was diagnose with undermethylation based on lab tests. There are good doctors on the internet who have experience treating this. I have done well on the methionine. I am mostly vegan and also get the benefits of that type of diet for heart, arthritis, cancer avoidance, etc. My journey has not been easy and I am always learning the balance of what is best for me. I do have eggs everyday. I do find I am better with the addition of certain amino acids that I don’t get with a vegan diet. I think lysine may be important for me as vegans do not get enough of this. Genetics do express with trauma, poor diet, heavy metal toxicity and other chemical contamination. I am hoping I can reverse this situation but for now the methionine works, although lately I seem to be ok with a half dose from where I started. We must always pay attention to our individual needs. Our food supply has been corruption. Whole food plant based is the best with modifications as needed to heal and treat certain genetic variations.

By: Javier Wed, 21 Jun 2017 14:50:53 +0000 I think the issue is not consuming eliminating methionine completely. One obviously need methionine. It is an essential amino acid. Just cause it is necessary does not mean it is safe. The average person eats far too much protein in their diet because how much animal based proteins are consumed at every meal.

There are human studies done on methionine and humans and do show a correlation in a reduction of cancer, where methionine and proteins are lower. I will though add that all foods are not created equal. Food is a package deal. What you eat activates other nutrients or inhibits other nutrients as you mentioned the importance of b12.

Some of the studies you mentioned are done on animals. As you mentioned often animal studies don’t follow human biology and metabolism. So they are a base for a possible outcome in humans, but not a 1 for 1 replication.

I agree we are all different, but many scientific studies were done on humans of different genetic variances showed similar outcomes. So as some of us could smoke cigarettes and live to 100 most of us of various gene pools will be harmed by smoking. There is a lot of misinformation stating that just because genes are different than humans must follow a genetic diet. Similar to the blood type diet which was thrown out as bad science. Those with genetic mutations or variances that won’t follow the masses is far and few in between such as those with celiac disease. Trends carry when a lie is told enough times and then the mass begins to believe it.

In vegans, which I know many, they often come to the plant-based diet through issues with animals. They come from a lot of different backgrounds. All the vegans that I have met who follow a whole food plant based diet have shown a lowering in CRP, Cholesterol and have a lower incidence of cancer. There is not a vegan gene that causes vegans perform magic on their health. I myself genetically high cholesterol, with two uncles with stents and bypass. My mother Mediterranean diet had cholesterol of 315 and a clogged artery of 90 percent. My cholesterol 210 at age 11 and lowered my intake of fat and it is currently 144 and my CRP is 0.3. The CRP was also taken when I was consuming 3 to 4 glasses a day of kombucha which is high in fructose. I have cut out the amount since I realize that was not wise in general to consume that much. This was done with beans, whole grains, and greens primarily and eating an almost no oil diet, and low fat. I do get a good omega 6 to 3 ratio because my Omega 6 ratios are much lower because I am not eating a number of refined foods which are high in 6.

I have spent a decade plus studying the nutrition every day. Been so-called BIO-Hacking during this time. Some things bloggers write have validity but other time things are taken out of context or are not seeing the whole picture.

When people who biohack such as things like bulletproof diet and end up with heart disease they claim that they just were the only ones with bad genes. Genes are the loaded gun and diet and lifestyle pulls the trigger.

Here is an example of a study.
In humans,
vegan diets, which can be low in methionine, may prove to be a useful nutritional strategy in cancer
growth control. The development of methioninase which depletes circulating levels of methionine may
be another useful strategy in limiting cancer growth. The application of nutritional methionine restriction
and methioninase in combination with chemotherapeutic regimens is the current focus of clinical
Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

I think it is important to see that genes are not always your fate and to note that plant-based diets with low fat are the only diets to my knowledge that have shown to reverse atherosclerosis. This has been shown in people with all sorts of genetic backgrounds. Here is where that is shown in the Cleveland Clinic Study.

By: Sam Sat, 11 Mar 2017 05:05:40 +0000 I read this about methionine supplements from histamine intolerance site, “Take 3-day breaks to keep the body’s ability to process methionine without supplementation.”. Is this true, do I need to take breaks from methionine supplementation from time to time?

By: Suzanne Spears Tue, 31 Jan 2017 04:41:19 +0000 L-Methionine can lower lysine levels. Low lysine levels can cause iron problems. When we stopped methionine supplementation and added a small amount of lysine, my son’s iron level went from 12 to 27 in three days. The last time we tested it was up to 30. Both arginine and methionine can depress lysine levels.

By: Doug Tue, 27 Sep 2016 04:20:30 +0000 I recently started using a collagen protein supplement to balance high methioine intake from meat. It’s high in glutamic acid, glycine, and proline.

But i have to say that in reading this article and similar content from cutting edge hacking and nutrition, i wonder what on earth are we doing. What happened to just eating a sensible, simple diet? Obsessing over every freaking nutrient, analyzing tests involving rats and flies, tripping on endless minutiae. We know too much. We’ve lost the plot. Have we learned nothing from the French?
