Comments on: 7 Hydergine Uses + Side Effects & Dosage Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Mon, 20 Sep 2021 13:09:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Russell S Clark II Sat, 05 Oct 2019 21:44:39 +0000 Degunking the neural synapse of lipofuscin by itself is reason enough to regularly take Hydergine.

By: A. Aman Sun, 25 Feb 2018 17:27:49 +0000 I saw a 60 minutes TV show maybe 15 years ago (plus or minus) that had an interview with a guy who was an MD who had given his mother and his grandmother hydergine. I don’t remember for how long but for the interview, his grandmother was in her 90’s and his mother was probably 65 or 70. I remember it vividly because the grandmother in particular was amazing. She conversed like someone in their 40’s or 50’s. The mother also had good cognition but the mother was very timid so it was hard to evaluate how much cognition improvement she might have gotten from Hydergine. But it didn’t appear she had any cognitive decline for her age group. But bottom line, I started taking hydergine (in my 40s or 50’s). Then I decided to save money and quit taking it and very soon thereafter, I started gaining weight. Could have been for another reason…. but I have resumed taking hydergine now that I am in my 70’s and have memory problems among other things. My blood pressure has dropped which is not good for me since I have never had high blood pressure. I hope I don’t have to quit taking it.

By: Fred Lander Mon, 25 Dec 2017 15:02:48 +0000 I am not sure if you missed this review from 2009: “Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: Plain Language Summaries [Internet].

Uncertainty about the efficacy of hydergine in dementia

This version published: 2009; Review content assessed as up-to-date: March 26, 2009.

Link to full article: [Cochrane Library]”
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By: catherine raitt Sun, 24 Dec 2017 15:14:45 +0000 ergot in the form of ergometrine was used to help women miscarry or have abortions
