Comments on: 17+ Ways to Naturally Support H. pylori Treatment Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Mon, 20 Sep 2021 16:18:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: SS Thu, 25 Oct 2018 14:25:45 +0000 What are you thoughts on Matula Tea (Matula Tea has been scientifically “in-vitro” laboratory tested and is over 98% effective)

By: anna burns Mon, 18 Sep 2017 22:22:02 +0000 Yes, I did use Pyloricil, by Ortho Molecular. They don’t really give good directions on how to use it, though. An M.D. recommend it to me, and told me that I should take it away from food. (Very important) Also, directions say 1 tab, twice daily, but I took 2 tabs twice daily and I took it for 2 months. The pylori is GONE! Has not come back.

By: Laura Mon, 18 Sep 2017 10:44:13 +0000 That’s great news Anna. Did you just use pyloricil or anything elsey? I want to try as one round of triples therapy has failed many for your advice. Much appreciated!

By: Nattha Wannissorn Sun, 29 Jan 2017 01:53:13 +0000 In reply to anna burns.

Thanks. I’ve used this in my practice too. I’ll put the link in.

By: anna burns Sat, 28 Jan 2017 19:35:06 +0000 I was diagnosed with pylori a while back. I was so sick from it that I actually thought I might die. A pharmacist I know that works at a hospital said she has seen people die from it. My main symptoms were severe acid reflux (wake up drowning in fluids at night), migraines and vertigo. I tried the traditional therapy of 2 different antibiotics and the acid inhibitor. I felt better for about a month after using these, but the pylori came back. I found out an alternative that actually works and wiped it out completely. I was retested after using it and I was cured. You have to really be committed to getting rid of it, because it is a regimen and requires diligence and persistence.
It’s by OrthoMolecular and is called PYLORICIL. It’a a blend of 4 ingredients, and they are all
necessary to wipe out the pylori. An MD told me about this. He gave me directions how to use
this supplement, which is different than what’s on the bottle. If you want to get rid of pylori, you
must follow his recommendation. I can say because I tried the product before I spoke with the
doc, and it didn’t work for me. What he said: take 2 every eight hours, ON AN EMPTY STOMACH! Very important. You have to take this for a month. It really works. I have an immune deficiency, and have a hard time kicking infections, but following the doctors ‘orders’ got me well.
I can’t tell you how happy I am about that. It has not come back. Pylori is contagious. If you have pylori and you live someone, it’s probable that they have it as well. If you get rid of it, and they don’t, you will probably catch it back from them

By: Ted Hu Sun, 22 Jan 2017 12:53:33 +0000 banatrol plus is a good prebiotic to fight c.diff.
