Comments on: What is GHB? Effects, Unapproved Uses & Drug Test Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Mon, 20 Sep 2021 13:09:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: John capper Mon, 22 Mar 2021 02:16:25 +0000 You need to correct the Sodium Oxybarate spelling mistake in the Fibromyalgia section too, sorry for being a pain!

By: John capper Mon, 22 Mar 2021 02:10:03 +0000 I believe it’s Xyrem (not Zyrem) :-)

By: kate Wed, 19 Jun 2019 17:55:52 +0000 My husband and his friends became addicted to GHB in 2000. What started off a a sleep aid, quickly turned into a nightmare that we are still living today. One of the friends ended up in the psych ward within a year. They went from teaspoons,, to all day/night “shots” in months. all had to go into rehab, my husband, (drank GHB almost 3years) is a shell of himself today , Every physical and mental side effect and more. He is taking antibuse drug because he Would still drink it today>>>>> 17 years later………….

By: Axel Thu, 06 Sep 2018 15:22:01 +0000 U stated that the harm caused by ghb is similar to the harm caused by ketamine (glutamate excitotoxicity and oxidative stress i’m guessing). Now given this article ( that shows how ketamines toxicity can be prevented by co-ingesting a 5ht-2a receptor agonist (like lsd), would u say that the same thing would work for g? That co-ingesting ghb with lsd would prevent ghbs toxicity?
kind regards

By: Anthony Tue, 24 Jul 2018 04:04:55 +0000 Your sentiment about ketamine being a neurotoxin is wrong. It actually possesses the power to regrow brain cells. Maybe time to review the literature. Or at a minimum talk about at what amounts it becomes neurotoxic rather than a blanket generalization.

By: Marshall Wed, 10 Jan 2018 10:03:32 +0000 This is terrible. I can’t believe you’re promoting the use of a date rape drug!

By: Eelia Tue, 09 Jan 2018 19:04:58 +0000 Without Xyrem I am not sure if I could be as active as I am today. I didn’t quit understand what was happening to me sometimes walking my dog I would just collapse for no apparent reason. I started getting injured and I almost killed my daughter and I driving. Once they confirmed that I did have Narcolepsy with cataplexy my doctor took my license away and started to treat me with Xyrem. I also was diagnosed years before with FMS and CFS I would say that the fact that I am able to sleep now has reduced my pain and slightly increase my energy enough walk my dog without a major fear of having a cataplexy attack in some random place! Also I recently got my drivers license back. I actually also implemented the stuff I found on self hacked regarding circadian rhythm reset sunshine, exercise diet and supplements through my current nuerologist. I really appreciate this information, it never clicked to me it was ever a street drug makes me want to stop it.

By: Deb Sun, 07 Jan 2018 18:41:07 +0000 Very good article. Thanks for including how it can help those with narcolepsy/cataplexy. It gave me back my life as I am now able to function as an almost normal person.

By: Helen Sat, 30 Dec 2017 23:26:07 +0000 In reply to Bianca Hyde.

Hi, thanks for the correction. We’ve fixed this mistake in the article.

By: Bianca Hyde Sat, 30 Dec 2017 06:44:20 +0000 Hi there. I believe it’s “Sodium Oxybate” (Zyrem), not “Sodium Oxybarate”. I am a narcoleptic. Meanwhile, Love the info.
