Comments on: Etizolam: Potential Uses, Mechanisms, and Medical Controversies Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Mon, 20 Sep 2021 13:07:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ed Fleischer Sat, 03 Apr 2021 14:50:03 +0000 How come when you buy a form of Etizolam the total price doubles? That is ridiculous

By: Jonathan Giudice Mon, 10 Jun 2019 23:02:39 +0000 I’ve never heard of this medication, but I’ve been taking Valium for anxiety and insomnia for years – is this just as effective or more effective? I am very cautious and curious at the same time.

By: Ashley Wed, 14 Nov 2018 14:51:28 +0000 In reply to nate.

Try breaking the pellets in half, I think your dose is too strong.

By: Brenda Sun, 21 Oct 2018 20:32:34 +0000 In reply to TIME TO WAKE UP!.

My son died 12-31-16 from etizolam! That was the one and only time he took it. BEWARE! Anyone thinking about this drug it is not safe!!

By: Julie Heerebrand Wed, 22 Aug 2018 00:29:18 +0000 I discovered Etizolam by accident, thinking it was a natural alternative to benzodiazepines. I’m prescribed low dose Valium as needed but had gained a tolerance and it was no longer helping my anxiety. It’s the best anti-anxiety medication I’ve ever used but tolerance builds quickly and there is a compulsion to re-dose which I never really had with Valium. I now use them sparingly for extremely stressful situations and stick to Valium where possible. I do find that I’m more functional and less sedated on Etizolam than Valium so great for things like interviews and stressful social events. I’ts far more anxiolytic than Valium.

By: Karen Thu, 24 May 2018 09:37:53 +0000 Etizolam plls is good to treat anxiety and panic attack also you can buy etizolam online at primerxmart.

By: John Fri, 11 May 2018 23:29:59 +0000 Hey Nate, you dont like them I’ll buy some from you. Could use it

By: Angus Sun, 06 May 2018 22:28:11 +0000 Yes any benzo mixed with alcohol is probably a bad idea..yes taking unknown dosages of anything is a bad idea..if you have any kind of brains to understand what you are putting into your body then you should already know this. Etizolam is effective for a great many things as evidenced by it being prescribed in other countries around the world. And finally, the title of this article is ” effects and where to buy it” yet only has ONE link for somewhere to get it? check which is supposed to be up soon as an alternate source. Just my 2 cents.

By: nate Thu, 26 Apr 2018 03:42:08 +0000 I’ve tried it 4 times so far. First time I did it at work and I almost got fired because I passed out and someone had to literally shake me to wake me up. Every other time it literally just made me pass out for the entire fucking day and just waste the day away. You can’t have anxiety if you’re not conscious I guess. But these things are like roofies or something, I bought like $100 worth and now I don’t even want to use this shit any more. Such a waste of money. I just woke up from taking them earlier today and I feel 5x more anxious and I feel like I want to puke. And I don’t want to take anymore of this shit to cure my anxiety so WTF am I supposed to do???? Geez this drug is the worst, don’t bother with this shit. I really wish this drug was advertised as a sleeping pill, and not one that treats anxiety

By: Wolfie Sat, 24 Mar 2018 04:37:46 +0000 To those of you who have quit diazepams and still suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, depression or insomnia, I would suggest kratom. You don’t even have to take it more than a couple of times for it to work. I suffered all of the above and more. Once I quit the diazepams, I tried a couple of doses of kratom and it was the very best, actually truly working, antidepressant type of substance ever. And a whole year later since my last dose and I have not suffered one panic attack, I feel no anxiety or depression and I sleep great! And that’s all it took for me.

By: Fox Sun, 04 Mar 2018 07:23:54 +0000 Read that Etizolam is useful for skeletal pain, but find very few references to that. Does it help in skeletal as well as soft tissue pain? How well? Have a client with acute myofascial pain syndrome which also affects the connective tissue.

By: TIME TO WAKE UP! Sat, 03 Mar 2018 05:28:16 +0000 I agree this article is VERY irresponsible!!!!!! My 19 year old nephew just entered my home and could not walk, talk, write, see or focus his eyes on anything and could not hold a glass of water. This lasted for MANY hours. He bought Etizolam online in liquid form and “guessed he took one drop too much”. He is ALSO on Adderall, Katon, Wellbutrin, and caffein pills. etc etc etc. All taken in an effort to counteract the horrible side effects of each of these drugs to the other. THIS is the drug cocktail DISASTER that we can thank psychiatry and the 20 billion dollar annual psychoparmaceutical industries for. These kids turn to the “experts” for help and get turned into drug ADDICTS instead. Patients aka “customers” for life for Big Pharma. More RUINED young lives that were seeking help. They got BETRAYAL instead of real help. These drugs, with their FDA Black Box warnings of homicidal and suicidal ideation, are THE reason young men go on shooting rampages and men, women and children kill themselves in greater numbers than ever before. We should all be DISGUSTED at this cash cow industry living off the backs of young lives. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!

By: Erin Sun, 25 Feb 2018 15:05:51 +0000 To EXU: Thank you for that. People need to know that it an be deadly when taken in uncontrolled (and potentially high) dosages and when mixed with other substances, such as alcohol. I know. I ended up hospitalized for two days. When paramedics arrived my oxygen was already dropping rapidly. They kept me for two days and said I would have died without intervention in about 3-4 more hours. Thank God I wasn’t alone and had someone to call 911!!!!

By: Erin Sun, 25 Feb 2018 15:00:17 +0000 Etizolam is deadly when combined with other drugs and alcohol. I have ended up hospitalized when I mixed it with lyrica, gabapentin, and clonidine and these are uncontrolled medications.

By: Erin Sun, 25 Feb 2018 14:55:27 +0000 I actually tried Etizolam with the intention of tapering off of klonapin and Valium. In the US, Etizolam is not prescribed by doctors and is not FDA approved. When Etizolam is purchased online it comes as a liquid or a powder, which I converted into a liquid. The danger here is that it is difficult to measure a controlled dosage as a liquid, but even more so when in powder form. While in a country where it is prescribed in pill form, Etizolam may indeed be beneficial and used to treat diseases and disorders and may not be as habit forming as other benzos, I quickly built tolerance and became dependent. I also had no way of being absolutely sure of how much I was taking and ended up falling asleep standing up, and so I would fall onto the floor. There were many times when my significant other came home to find me on the floor. In the kitchen, I also accidentally turned on the gas stove and then passed out onto the floor. I imagine I must have taken a very large dose if I didn’t wake up when I hit the floor. I also ended up in the emergency room and spent two days in the hospital after overdosing. I was completely unresponsive and my oxygen was dropping rapidly. According to the doctors, without intervention I would have died. While it’s sensible to consider the benets of Etizolam, I think it’s important to know the dangers of this drug. I found it as equally, if not more addictive as Xanax, Klonapin, and Valium when taken in liquid or powder form. It’s just as deadly and habit forming when taken in large, uncontrolled dosages.

By: Paul Sat, 27 Jan 2018 11:26:30 +0000 Mixing Etizolam and/or true benzo-class drugs with alcohol is completely safe, providing you do it sensibly and in moderation, however it’s important to remember that alcohol and Etizolam/benzo’s work on similar pathways in brain so they will potentiate each other (make the effects stronger). Very dangerous if driving or operating machinery/cooking etc, as you may just nod off…

However taken in low doses and alcohol in moderation, there’s no risk really if you have tolerance to both.

By: Paul Sat, 27 Jan 2018 11:22:05 +0000 Etizolam is nothing like Xanax trust me, I’ve seen Xanax addicts who have been on it for a decade or more, and I’ve seen people use Etizolam many a time as a sleep aid. Used responsibly and occasionally Etizolam is a useful drug to help you sleep, but used regularly it will mess your sleep cycle up and become habit forming. And it’s definitely not suitable for treating anxiety disorders.

Xanax is a true benzo-class drug, Etizolam is not, it’s a benzodiazepine analog drug that works differently.

Xanax has a short-life and is perhaps the most potent of the benzo-drugs which is why it’s so effective for treating anxiety (but also why tolerance and addiction develops rapidly).

Xanax will knock you out if you take 2-3mg and don’t have a benzo tolerance, but it will takes a while to put you to sleep (many hours) whereas Etizolam is much more effective as a sleep aid and will knock you put usually within an hour, even only a low dose (0..5 to 1mg) unless you have a tolerance. Tolerance to Etizolam develops much slower as its an analog drug like I said, and works differently to classic benzo drugs. However, if you use it daily for sleep you will develop a tolerance and dependency on it.

The thing about Etizolam too to remember is that, whilst it’s a very useful drug for helping people with insomnia get to sleep quickly, it’s not a good drug for keeping you asleep or improving quality of your sleep cycle. On the contrary. Like its benzo cousins, it disrupts sleep cycle over time and you’re less likely to enter the deep REM sleep phase, so when you wake up you don’t feel fully rested.

If you’re looking for a sleep aid, try Valerian a natural herb, it’s as potent as Valium, and does help maintain sleep cycle if taken inconjunction with other sleep-aid herbs.

By: exu Sun, 21 Jan 2018 08:10:00 +0000 this article is irresponsible, etizolam is effectively xanax, DO NOT MIX WITH ALCOHOL, YOU MIGHT DIE. it wears off faster than xanax its extremely habit forming, i quit etizolam in 2015 and 8 – 10 months of insomnia later i am still suffering from extreme anxiety disorder (agoraphobia)

By: Nate Sat, 11 Feb 2017 07:40:52 +0000 Wow, great post on etizolam. Very comprehensive. This is why i love self hacked :)

By: Jake Tue, 06 Sep 2016 14:08:18 +0000 Great post on etizolam thanks for the info I’m suprised to see it helps pain?
