Comments on: Epitalon (Epithalamin): Potential Anti-Aging Compound Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Mon, 20 Sep 2021 13:08:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Graham Baxter Wed, 30 Jun 2021 13:07:08 +0000 In your professional opinion Howmuch Epitalon should I administer on a weekly basis and which method of administration should I use to reap its benefits?

By: Christian Thu, 06 May 2021 23:02:31 +0000 Hi Guys,
Quick question please . What is the most mg percentage you could supply in each virul please.
Many thanks
Mr C Harvey

By: Christian Harvey Thu, 06 May 2021 09:43:12 +0000 Good morning. I am very interested in discussing the product Epitalon,based on natural peptide Epithalamin regarding the correct dosage per day ? How many days you take it for? Time off from taking it? And most of all cost?
Many thanks.

By: khaled amor Sun, 02 May 2021 05:10:54 +0000 hola desde españa,Epitalon me ha cambiado la vida ,tengo 59 años y me lo he tomado una vez 50mg durante 10 dias hace un año y ahora estoy tomando precisamente 100mg durante 10dias . la verdad muchas cosas ham cambiado en esta vez todo lo que se dice de bueno y alabanzas me lo he notado ,cambios radicales y estructurales sin precedencias se ha notado en el fisico y en la cara pelo tez sexo sueño y alerta durante el dia con fuerza tranquilidad y sosiego . si con todo esto no le satisfacen hay otras cosas mas que no tengo suficiente analisis hechos ,tambien noto mejora enorme en el corazon ,ritmo y potencia me despierto como a los 20 años flexibilidad total. estoy muy contento por mi mismo de encontrarlo y agradezco a todos los que han hecho esto realidad . gracias

By: Sofyan Rambey Fri, 12 Feb 2021 05:59:38 +0000 Could you recommend where I can buy a good epitalon? Thanks.

By: Suzanne W. Jenkins Sun, 04 Oct 2020 17:45:29 +0000 Has there been any research or observations on the use of Epitalon with vestibular disease (head tilt and uneven gait)? Would like to know if there has been anything positive or negative or just contraindicated in using the injectible form in a cat with a vestibular issue.
Thank you.

By: Javier Thu, 13 Aug 2020 15:02:26 +0000 What would be the recommended dosage?

By: Steven Tue, 02 Jul 2019 10:20:39 +0000 So far intermediate results for one research do not look promising: ‘Since this study is investigator-blinded, the two treatment arms are labeled Lifespan A and Lifespan B. However, the longer-lived lifespan arm (Lifespan B) is comparable to, not superior to, historical survival data for C57BL/6 mice, while the shorter-liived arm (Lifespan B) is shorter than historical survival data, which means that there’s reason to be concerned that epitalon shortens, rather than lengthening, lifespan.’ Interim Results for Epitalon Study By Sarah Constantin, posted on ‘The longevity research institute’

By: Dieter Tue, 24 Jul 2018 23:25:11 +0000 Well, I just like to share my personal experience with Epitalon over the last few years. My friend SS told me about Epitalon in 2013 and I collect any information I could find before purchasing the fist test virals. They where to be taken oral mixed with red wine and water. The effects where somewhat little or nothing so I went to muscular injection. I found a great source straight from a manufacturer and purchased 100 virals at 10 mg. After the first 20 injections I felt some difference in sleeping pattern, immune system and overall feeing. I stopped for 6 month and did another 20 days treatment. I am doing it since 2015 in an interval of 6 month and many little problems slowly disappeared. My greatest improvement is my immune system and unusually two to 3 times per year I catch cold which knocked my out for a week. That belongs to the past and my recovery is less, much less and it happens more seldom to catch a cold. I will continue doing it and I feel like mid 40 while being mid 60.

By: Hugo Walker Tue, 17 Jul 2018 11:50:21 +0000 It is amazing the amount of interest that has been generated in Epitilon ever since I posted my trial use of it back in 2012.
I still use it on and off with great results each time.
Things have come a long ways since then including my buying into and eventually buy out full control in a research and development company so that I could bring AEDG and similar things, that I find really work, to the public.
There sure has been a lot of suppliers pop up out of the wood work, riding the coat tails of AEDG’s success stories. That just goes to show how well it actually works.
It’s great to see testimonials and even a book? Cool.
I encourage anyone interested in life extention or life improvement to study and read everything you can find. The amount of stuff out there now is astounding.

All best,
Hugo Walker
Biotrends HK Co. Limited

By: Wayne Wed, 11 Jul 2018 09:16:49 +0000 i had a similar experience as Jason. I am 69 years old and after doing the IM regimen with the epitalon amidate, I had, according to the teloyears test, the telomere length of a 20 year old. So, i don’t know but I will continue on and off with this … I did meet a woman involved with teleomere research at an event and she said the teloyears test should measure actual length rather than age comparison … which I didn’t understand … but then I did not win the Nobel Prize.

By: buffalo Sun, 08 Jul 2018 19:36:42 +0000 Where are people buying epthalon (or n-acetyl epithalon amidate) now that ceretropic has closed? I’m interested in reviews by experienced users.

By: Mimi Sun, 08 Jul 2018 19:33:08 +0000 Guess away but if you search PubMed you can see for yourself.

By: Flavius Iuliaan Thu, 10 May 2018 20:11:43 +0000 Hi Jason you can let my you email adreess thanks

By: Bruce Mon, 01 Jan 2018 02:09:46 +0000 How long before you test your biological age again? Is it strictly a test of telomere length? I wonder how long the results will last without follow up treatments. There needs to be a lot more testing.

By: Evguenia Alechine Wed, 29 Nov 2017 03:25:56 +0000 In reply to Jason.

Thanks for sharing your story, Jason! :)

By: Jason Wed, 29 Nov 2017 02:19:32 +0000 So I’m just going to throw this out there to the world and see what happens. This is my own personal experience. I ordered a 2 test kit from teloyears in February 2017. The test result came back as I was a 63 year old man. I’m 37 and I’ve always tried to eat healthy and take care of myself and it came as a complete shock to me. I ordered 5 vials of various epitalon preparations. (2) of straight epitalon 100mg, (2) N-Acetyl Epitalon 100mg, (1) N-Acetyl Epitalon Amidate. I did 10 days of epitalon and took a week off. Next I did 10 days of the n-acetyl and took a week off. I then did 10 days of tbe amidate and took a week off. Then I worked my way backwards and did 10 days of the n-acetyl, took a week off. Lastly I did 10 days of the straight epitalon. After that, I waited 3 months and had myself retested. It took about 6 weeks to get the results and one day it showed up in the mail and my heart sunk. All I could think was I’ve wasted almost 500 bucks on supplies and had to give myself 50 injections. Why would I do something so foolish? I then opened the test results and staring back at me was an age of 18 and I’m now im the 97th percentile. Mu guess puts me closer to 11-15 because they won’t say less than 18 because that is a minor and I ran the charts. Do I feel any different? No, but I can tell you that my wife noticed that my hair is becoming darker. It’s taking time but mu hair is slowly coming in darker. It’s weird.

By: Ginger Adams Mon, 13 Nov 2017 12:55:42 +0000 So if one was to administer it, at their own risk for their own research, IM or subcutaneously, what is the dosing and would you use 30 ML bacteriostatic water? Comments on storage and optimal dosing?
website with this info?

By: Neferius Nexus Mon, 18 Sep 2017 14:54:18 +0000 Here you go:

By: Nathan Tue, 08 Aug 2017 16:35:37 +0000 I’m guessing there is zero research regarding its effects on telomeres? The dominant claim out there is that it stimulates telomerase.
