Comments on: 14 Benefits of Green Tea + Side Effects & Risks Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Wed, 13 Oct 2021 21:57:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paula Wed, 29 Apr 2020 00:03:41 +0000 Very informative, but contradictory at times. I especially liked the link of piperine increasing the bioavailability of green tea. I have heard of increase with turmeric though..definitely need to increase green tea consumption. Would you suggest using supplements of piperine? And if so how much to increase bioavailability, and suggestions on a good brand of both green tea and piperine

By: Bruno Pereira Mon, 03 Feb 2020 08:19:39 +0000 What a comprehensive and well-researched article! If you want to reduce the risk of any adverse reactions with green tea, it is best to stick to around five cups a day. You should lessen your intake even further if you are pregnant or are sensitive to caffeine.

By: Priya Fri, 10 Jan 2020 17:04:01 +0000 When you want to lose without doing much exercise, Green tea is the best option. Plus it helps you to boost your immunity. My suggestion just add a tea spoon of honey and lemon for faster results

By: Jonathan Tue, 31 Jul 2018 18:03:21 +0000 This: “Green tea increases N-acetyl aspartate (R), which can help with intelligence.”
Bogus information. The article referenced discusses green tea as a treatment for MS. The aforementioned statement suggests that “green tea makes you smarter,” which is simply not true and in no way suggested by the authors of the article. Be careful when reading about these “miracle nutriceuticals” that claim to cure/heal/benefit everything. As a scientist, I find this entire article offensive because there is no hard evidence supporting any of these claims. Many authors of articles similar to this one do not have access to scientific journals, only the abstracts. This means that they are unable to assess the integrity of the work being presented and whether it has translational value (from the research bench to medicine). Yes, some groups may have found that CELLS GROWN IN A DISH respond to green tea in a way that is beneficial, but in a live system (AKA a human or even a mouse) would not respond the same way; in fact, it might have the opposite effect due to compensatory mechanisms. While some results may be derived from humans such as bone quality in postmenopausal women drinking green tea, always remember that other factors may be at play and some individuals may drink green tea but have poor bone health. Another thing to be aware of is that consuming a green tea supplement product means a higher dose of uncharacterized compounds that is beyond what a human could possibly consume if they were just to drink green tea.

Be skeptical. Take nothing at face value.

By: Vaidaa Alemagno Sat, 31 Mar 2018 18:48:36 +0000 I was told I am hypothryoid/borderline currently. I am not on synthroid though i have some extra weight on me for sure, My doctor is letting me do my thing for now with the thought that I may at some point have to get on something else, but as long as I am managing we will watch it for now and leave it alone. I have on my own and with Doctors approval decided to take kelp for several years now, which is supposed to help thyroid function. I really need to lose weight and I’m a healthy eater and low carb person, always have been, but no matter how much I work out or anything I just can’t lose anything anymore. I do not eat much either, one good meal a day, and two Healthy protein/veggie snacks a day if I’m lucky.
So I recently bought Green Tea EGCG drops. I am reading on here it can have reverse effects on thyroid? I used to drink tons of Green Tea all on its own and I was nice and perfectly fit too. Now its just occasional.
How mightthe EGCG effect my thyroid? Do you think its okay for me to take the drops as long as I don’t exceed. It says take 2-4 droppers per day. 2 has 250 mg of green tea and beneath that it says 125 of EGCG.

By: Dirk Wed, 23 Aug 2017 20:53:10 +0000 Lightly caffeinated may be more effective.

By: odell65 Sun, 25 Jun 2017 06:42:44 +0000 I don’t agree: [huffington post]

Friendly, Lue

By: MKW Sun, 23 Apr 2017 06:12:04 +0000 Does decaffeination reduce the effectiveness of green tea? I can’t tolerate even tiny amounts of caffeine, but would like to try organic decaf green tea.

By: Dirk Sat, 22 Apr 2017 14:14:31 +0000 Too much is anti-thyroid. It has also been proven beneficial to those with CLL.

By: Alex Tue, 31 Jan 2017 13:45:06 +0000 In reply to Joseph M. Cohen.

But it would also potentially be extra beneficial in some other ways right?

I read the study that showed that women with low COMT (AA) benefited more from tea consumption and had lower cancer risk.

I understand that overdoing it can cause excess catecholamines because you hamper COMT even more, but it seems to me like low COMT individuals benefits the most from the health effects of catechins.

Would love to hear your input Joseph!

By: Joseph M. Cohen Mon, 15 Aug 2016 17:27:07 +0000 In reply to Jake.


By: Jake Mon, 15 Aug 2016 16:56:47 +0000 Would green tea have negative effects for someone with very little COMT?
