Comments on: 4+ Health Benefits of Echinacea + Side Effects Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Mon, 20 Sep 2021 16:19:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christina Sat, 07 Mar 2020 22:45:11 +0000 Thank you for such an informative and cinprehensive overview of echinacea. I also read somewhere that it can help hyper and hypoglycemia by stabilizing blood sugar. I usually can’t touch substances that have the effect of a lowering blood sugar, even as a side effect, such as with vitex. I am very sensitive and my blood sugar tends to get low when I use these things. I am trialling echinacea now to see if I can manage it, as it is supposed to work in both conditions, hyper and hypo.

By: Michelle R Pegler Sun, 06 Oct 2019 15:01:15 +0000 I really love this site. I appreciated how all the facts are well laid out and impartial! I also was not blessed with the best genes in the gene pool and always look for alternative ways to boost my immune system. Thanks for this info!
