Comments on: DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine): Risks & Emerging Research Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Mon, 20 Sep 2021 13:08:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Soup Tue, 14 Apr 2020 11:50:23 +0000 Good job. A well written, unbiased review. Placing perhaps a glimmer of hope around nature derived future medicines for the planet. Would have liked to see just a little more background surrounding just how widely available DMT is in nature. After all, it is so prolific!

By: Nattha Wannissorn, PhD Thu, 07 Jun 2018 17:41:56 +0000 In reply to Russ.

You can book a consult with a SelfHacked consultant or join VIP to ask Joe directly:

By: Russ Sat, 02 Jun 2018 01:48:56 +0000 Hello, my names Russ and recently I’ve been diving into heavy ayahuasca doses with maoi. Heroic doses to be exact. On the other hand during the come down of these experiences my mind automatically forces my upper bodies muscles to actually grow double in size. Like a modern day hulk. Its not a muscle spasm because its my complete upper body and I’m a skinny guy. I completely go from lanky to looking like a really lean body builder. This only happens till the next day then I can notice tears in my skin and muscle kind of. I haven’t been able to figure out what this is. Its like I’ve opened a door from my mind to my body that forces it to grow. I have found something called mind-muscle connection. But in my case my muscles grow rapidly in a matter of seconds. Can it be an increase in HGH or something??? Please contact me back with some clarity. I can prove this as well!!!!

By: FRAN Fri, 30 Mar 2018 11:33:53 +0000 The only problem I find with DMT is the fear it produces on mi just before to vaporize it.

By: Will Hunter Tue, 14 Nov 2017 04:47:16 +0000 In reply to Gordo.

Hi, Gordo,

Thank you for pointing that out. I have clarified that it is a Schedule I drug. The research on harmine and ayahuasca is very interesting. You might enjoy reading this post on ayahuasca:

By: Gordo Mon, 13 Nov 2017 00:29:38 +0000 I take exception with a few minor things in your write up, for example ayahuasca is not considered “more intense” than smoked or IV DMT, just longer lasting, it comes on much more gently. Also there is no evidence supporting your statement “has a high potential for abuse“ that is merely a general description for schedule one drugs, you should clarify that. As far as bio-hacking, I have an interest in this, but upon further research I’m starting to think it might actually be the harmine in ayahuasca that has the most potential benefit?

Anecdotally, after using ayshuasca one time, in the weeks that followed I experienced a significant “afterglow” and have felt like my brain has been performing at an enhanced capacity. This piqued my curiosity so I did additional research and found many others describing similar effects. A newly published paper explores this:

The alkaloids of Banisteriopsis caapi, the plant source of the Amazonian hallucinogen Ayahuasca, stimulate adult neurogenesis in vitro.

Another published just this year:
Effects of the Natural β-Carboline Alkaloid Harmine, a Main Constituent of Ayahuasca, in Memory and in the Hippocampus: A Systematic Literature Review of Preclinical Studies.
Harmine is a natural β-carboline alkaloid found in several botanical species, such as the Banisteriopsis caapi vine used in the preparation of the hallucinogenic beverage ayahuasca and the seeds of Syrian rue (Peganum harmala). Preclinical studies suggest that harmine may have neuroprotective and cognitive-enhancing effects, and retrospective/observational investigations of the mental health of long-term ayahuasca users suggest that prolonged use of this harmine-rich hallucinogen is associated with better neuropsychological functioning. Thus, in order to better investigate these possibilities, we performed a systematic literature review of preclinical studies analyzing the effects of harmine on hippocampal neurons and in memory-related behavioral tasks in animal models. We found two studies involving hippocampal cell cultures and nine studies using animal models. Harmine administration was associated with neuroprotective effects such as reduced excitotoxicity, inflammation, and oxidative stress, and increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels. Harmine also improved memory/learning in several animal models. These effects seem be mediated by monoamine oxidase or acetylcholinesterase inhibition, upregulation of glutamate transporters, decreases in reactive oxygen species, increases in neurotrophic factors, and anti-inflammatory effects. The neuroprotective and cognitive-enhancing effects of harmine should be further investigated in both preclinical and human studies.

A study published last year:
Harmine stimulates proliferation of human neural progenitors. (harmine is the main alkaloid in b. caapi in ayahuasca)

Along similar lines of brain health:
Antidepressive and anxiolytic effects of ayahuasca: a systematic literature review of animal and human studies.

Seems like an active area of research that may be of particular interest to biogerontologists and others seeking to maintain peak brain health. Perhaps harmine is most important here, I don’t know. Harmine is very inexpensive in the form of syrian rue seed (which can be further extracted quite easily to isolate the desired alkaloids), and does not have the profound psychotropic affects like ayahuasca nor does it contain DMT, it is a reversible MAO inhibitor and certainly has numerous side effects and potential interactions so I’m not advocating its use or especially routine use, mostly just watching intently at this point and learning.

I’m more interested in the published research than any anecdotes (including my own).
As for “is there a frequency threshold beyond which the cognitive improvement becomes a cognitive impairment?”, the only thing I’ve seen so far along those lines is:

Personality, Psychopathology, Life Attitudes and Neuropsychological Performance among Ritual Users of Ayahuasca: A Longitudinal Study
“…In conclusion, we found no evidence of psychological maladjustment, mental health deterioration or cognitive impairment in the ayahuasca-using group.”

By: Galya Campano Sun, 12 Nov 2017 13:30:10 +0000 Très intéressant! Merci!

By: Andrew Sun, 12 Nov 2017 05:22:49 +0000 Everyone wants to look at the serotonin system because that’s been the yardstick for so long around both depression and the psychedelic experience– largely because of the simplistic (naive?) Monoamine/SSRI theory used to support drugs sold to us by big pharma. I think you’ll find more interesting insight into DMT’s MOA by looking at NMDA receptors and modulation of glutamate excitotoxicity. We see this with the rise in use of ketamine for treatment resistant depression… I love your site, btw, and was happy to see the notification for an entry on DMT… Please take a gander:

By: colin Sun, 05 Nov 2017 23:04:59 +0000 You dont hack DMT. DMT hacks you. Back into the unconditional love state from where we all came. Then our egos come back and attempt to describe the indescribable. The ego cannot “control” DMT. DMT dominates and relinquishes the ego. Thanks for digging into this topic
