Comments on: 13 Benefits of DHEA + Side Effects & Supplements Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Mon, 20 Sep 2021 16:17:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: josh Sun, 04 Aug 2019 04:11:14 +0000 regarding DHEA supplement in Male over 70
what dosage is safe? 5 mg? 10 mg ? 15 mg ? once a day ?

By: Ana Aleksic, MSc (Pharmacy) Thu, 09 May 2019 13:21:03 +0000 In reply to Alex.

Hi Alex, hair loss has been reported as one of the possible side effects.

By: Alex Thu, 02 May 2019 22:27:26 +0000 Have you seen DHEA induce hair loss/thinning?

By: Ed Mule Tue, 03 Jul 2018 14:17:07 +0000 My 80 year old father has PS palsy, which is a progressive degenerative neurological condition. Has anyone conducted studies to determine if DHEA supplements help with PS palsy or similar Parkinson-llke symptoms?

By: James Mon, 04 Jun 2018 16:44:17 +0000 I think I read a Ben Greenfield post of 1-dhea being better then garden variety like from Amazon.

By: Uma Tue, 10 Apr 2018 08:37:36 +0000 My AMH level is very low of 0.4 ..I’m 28 yrs trying for pregnancy…is there any medicine to increase ANY LEVEL…PLEASE HELP

By: Georgina Jancic Wed, 24 Jan 2018 16:07:02 +0000 Dear Angela: So glad I found this site and your post. I have had a terrible peri- menopause and menopause and the terrible symptoms have nkt stopped and I am 100% sure it is my next to nothing DHEA which numerous test have shown. I too am in Canada. How do I get Dr.’s to co-operate. Healthcare is free but not always the best. I have seen an Endocronologist who has done nothing for me! I would appreciate any feedback. How did you go about getting prescribed. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE Did your family Dr. Prescribe you and how many mg.

By: Maddy Mon, 22 Jan 2018 02:52:37 +0000 Carol, I believe you are right. How much DHEA were you prescribed and taking daily? Tablet?

By: Maddy Mon, 22 Jan 2018 02:46:31 +0000 You are correct Bails, prednisone, methylprednisone, hydrocortisone, dexemethisone, and any other cortisol related steroids will put DHEA in the basement. Like to zero with prolonged use, even a few days. They supress ACTH and that is what stimulates the adrenals to make both cortisol and DHEA. If you have been on a long time, you cannot go cold turkey. You have to wean off the steroids or you could have adrenal insufficiency and quite literally that is life threatening.

By: Helen Wed, 03 Jan 2018 23:16:11 +0000 In reply to Ofek.

Hi, we recommend following the instructions on the product as it may vary.

By: Ofek Wed, 03 Jan 2018 22:10:24 +0000 Can I take DHEA on an empty stomach?

By: CAROLINE Thu, 14 Dec 2017 21:55:10 +0000 It would be relevant to know what dosage you and your friends were taking. (You may have listed it in one of your posts but I didn’t see it.) Thank you.

By: carol close Wed, 11 Oct 2017 15:27:30 +0000 DHEA can raise the risk of ovarian cysts and cancer because it increases testosterone. “The Association of Plasma DHEA and DHEA Sulfate with Breast Cancer Risk in Predominantly Premenopausal Women.” “Changes in ovarian morphology and serum hormones in the rat after treatment with dehydroepiandrosterone.” “Comparative effects of DHEA vs. testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and estradiol on proliferation and gene expression in human LNCaP prostate cancer cells.” “PCOS and Adrenal Glands- Hormones.”

Clomiphene citrate, a drug given to induce ovulation, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), the progestin only pill or IUD, the drug Tamoxifen, supplemental testosterone or DHEA, can all increase the risk of cysts forming.

By: Stella Thu, 05 Oct 2017 02:46:00 +0000 I have been supplementing with DHEA for over 10 years . I have had nothing but positive results I am hdppy to say. No negative side effects as of yet. I believe it contributes to my positive moids, no vaginal dryness, an increased libido and mental clarity I did extensive research before I started taking it & began my therapy with 10mg tablets in my 50’s, now in my 60’s I take 25 mg per day.

By: Apple Thu, 21 Sep 2017 15:52:39 +0000 Your so correct Peter 100mg is way to much.

By: Apple Thu, 21 Sep 2017 15:49:57 +0000 Dhea have remarkable rewards when taken at 10mg to 25mg a day for women. You had terrible side effects because you were taking 80mg more then doctors recommend for women. Dhea taken in more then 25mg a day for women will cause facial hair, deepen voice, oily skin, unnatural hair growth, and irregular periods. 100mg a day is far to much.

By: Nattha Wannissorn, PhD Fri, 18 Aug 2017 16:28:04 +0000 In reply to Angela.

You can import from the US for personal consumption. I have gotten some from Biomatrix. I didn’t do well with it though.

By: Angela Fri, 18 Aug 2017 03:42:05 +0000 HI, we can’t buy it over the counter here in Canada either but your doctor can test for it. My lab results came back showing it was low and he prescribed 10 mg for me. That’s the best way to find out if you need it. Not something you really want to just experiment with. But you do have to ask as they don’t normally test for it seems.

By: Nattha Wannissorn, PhD Mon, 07 Aug 2017 23:04:00 +0000 In reply to Bails.

Hi Bails,
Thanks for the kind words. I’m not sure if taking DHEA would be good for your condition.
Joe doesn’t respond to personal health questions on the site, so if you really need advice, can consider getting a consult ( or join VIP ( to get your questions answered.

By: Bails Sat, 05 Aug 2017 06:14:43 +0000 Hi Joseph, I’ve been really loving your site since hearing you talk on BalancedBites podcast. I’ve recently been tested for DHEAS, and have a serum level of 0.1!! Reference levels are 1 – 10… I have a chronic vasculitis condition for which i take prednisone daily, I read that corticosteriods can suppress DHEA production. I wondered if you could recommend supplements/foods that can boost DHEA production – I live in New Zealand and we can’t buy DHEA over the counter. Many thanks for all the effort you put into the research on this site…

By: carol close Sat, 06 May 2017 20:32:04 +0000 In reply to Peter Rutkiewicz.

Life Extension Foundations recommendations for DHEA supplementation for women are not based on resources, research, and references with sound science evidence based information. Instead of DHEA, women should supplement with pregnenolone, which is the mother of all hormones. Women should not supplement with DHEA which is androgenic in women and causes masculine characteristics -especially if menopausal women are not on Hormone Replacement Therapy (see resources, research and references with sound science evidence noted here in this reply section.) Women who are in menopause should be on hormone replacement therapy with real estradiol in a transdermal patch and micronized progesterone inserted vaginally and both cycled in a monthly fashion as sex hormones are neurosteroids necessary for brain health, activate stem cells for cell regeneration, activate serotonin and dopamine neurons, activate the p53 tumor suppressor gene and inhibit mTOR which synthetic estrogen, estrone, conjugated equine estrogen and synthetic progesterone do not.

By: Peter Rutkiewicz Fri, 05 May 2017 18:30:22 +0000 In reply to carol close.

DHEA at the rate of 100 mg a day is a lot. Bodybuilders will use it but they are lifting weights which stimulates endocrine response. DHEA supplementation reduces the amount of work that the endocrine (adrenals, mostly) have to provide. I’m a male who lifts occasionally, runs, bikes and practices Yoga. I find 100 mg too much, causing a weight gain with a fat gain while 50 mg gets the lean muscle mass without the fat gain. For women I would recommend 1/2 that amount or 25 mg/day which is in line with Life Extension Foundation recommendations for women 60 and over. If you are a younger woman having trouble with conception. I highly recommend an endocrine workup that touches on all relevant hormones. You will learn how to adjust your diet to optimally support your fertility. Some men have to do this too. From personal experience. adjustments to diet. lifestyle with some supplementation can make a huge difference in your libido and fertility. IMO no woman of child bearing age should take DHEA without an endocrinologist’s advice. Once past menopause and 60 yrs, 25 mg of DHEA can give your energy level a little boost because the endocrine system begins to shut down its output as we age. For many young working women, life stressors and cortisol imterfere with fertility. Yoga is a wonderful life enhancing activity to calm your mind and improve your health.
Lots of pregnant women do Yoga and I’m quite sure they did Yoga before they got pregnant.

By: carol close Tue, 04 Apr 2017 00:29:29 +0000 In reply to Nattha Wannissorn, PhD.

No, I doubt any woman would be OK on DHEA. We are warning women not to take DHEA! My girlfriends and I believed the hype about DHEA’s anti aging benefits; however, we have personal experience that was extremely detrimental when taking DHEA. One girlfriend had her doctor prescribe DHEA to help her get pregnant which research now shows supplementing with DHEA does the opposite and reduces pregnancy. See the Pubmed research below. This girlfriend never recovered from DHEA’s effects. She lost her boobs, has a deep voice, and looks manly now. I was lucky to just get a couple of whiskers which went away after stopping DHEA as I did not supplement for long. This has happened to many girlfriends taking DHEA- facial hair! Yikes! I am warning every female user of DHEA about what happens to us! You have not read my prior Pubmed research I listed here on this thread. Some information is wrong on this Blog about DHEA and needs to be corrected. DHEA research shows it does NOT improve pregnancy rates! Research suggested it would help in pregnancy, then later research refuted this. DHEA does not decrease weight, but increases weight! BMI decreases in men, but increases in women. and DHEA increases cholesterol levels in women because in women DHEA is potently androgenic! Excess DHEA supplementation causes androgen excess and may cause increased acne, decreased breast size, a deep voice, increased genital size, irregular periods, oily skin, and unnatural hair growth. In women, but not in men, serum androstenedione, testosterone and DHT were increased to levels above gender-specific young adult ranges. SHBG declined and GHBP declined in women even though they were on estrogen replacement therapy at the same time. I wonder what DHEA would be like for women not ovulating or on hormone replacement- It has got to be very scarey to see what they turn into!!

By: Nattha Wannissorn, PhD Mon, 03 Apr 2017 23:26:23 +0000 In reply to carol close.

It’s a rat study, but I agree that DHEA acts like an androgen. I myself had trouble with it because it converted to too much testosterone. Some women may do okay with it, though.
