Comments on: Does Deuterium-Depleted Water Have Health Benefits? Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Mon, 20 Sep 2021 16:20:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: MANDAGUEVOS Sun, 22 Nov 2020 16:56:19 +0000 USE AND TRY IF YOU HAVE DISEASE,LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, START SLOW, LISTEN….. I AM MIXING THE JOHN ELLIS WATER WITH HYDROGEN,ALKALYNE WATER FROM NEXUS 9 PLATE SMART IONIZER,ALL SEEMS WELL SO FAR.

By: WillieNAZ Sat, 18 Apr 2020 05:02:16 +0000 I’ve been looking at videos where they infuse regular water with HHO (aka Brown’s gas). There seems to be a lot of positive results. I’m thinking the properties from HHO is like a super version of DDW. Seems the trick is to get the mitochondria to “spin up” with energy and then they go to work fixing what’s wrong in your body.

By: Gary Halvorson Thu, 19 Mar 2020 18:53:26 +0000 Hi. I’ve been using the freezing method for shy of a month now. The water tastes great and my coffee has no bitterness. I’m 70 and in good health. I find my skin is softer age spots fading, and toenail fungus is going away, that in itself is worth it. Thanks for the info.

By: Amelia Hill Sat, 19 Oct 2019 00:38:58 +0000 I was listening to a talk by Dr László G. Boros and he was explaining when the body is consuming a low deuterium diet (essentially high fat low carb) the body starts to produce its own water and the need to drink water is reduced substantially. Only drink when /if thirsty and then drink DDW. Also what interested me in particular was his knowledge on how reducing deuterium in the body improves mitochondrial function. I notice you didn’t mention this in your article? Did you investigate this? Many thanks

By: mike Sat, 21 Sep 2019 13:37:05 +0000 Has anybody at Self Hacked been to the deuterium depletion center in LA and gone through their testing ? Also how would one know what they are buying is legit DD-water or the companies local tap ? This idea seems ripe for fraud to me.

By: Ana Aleksic, MSc (Pharmacy) Thu, 29 Aug 2019 11:54:36 +0000 In reply to Vic.

Hi Vic,

Thanks for your comment.

Referencing the study mentioned in the post (

“The deuterated and deuterium-depleted growth media demonstrated acute and chronic cytotoxicity, respectively. ”

“The adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) Population Doubling Time (PDT) had a tendency to increase in all experimental media compared to the control” (though statistically significant only in deuterated water)

Please also take a look at Table 3. ADSCs viability in growth media with different deuterium content. The highest cell viability was observed in control medium, which means that cells exposed to deuterium-depleted water had lower viability. Heavy, deuterated water reduced cell viability more than deuterium-depleted water, though.

Next, please take a look at figure 5. “Thus in growth media with high deuterium content (No. 1-3 – D/H 500.000–10.000 ppm) there was the slowest cell migration rate compared to control medium. Significant ADSCs migration delay was also observed in deuterium-depleted growth medium No. 5.”

Thus, the authors conclude:
“Interestingly, in deuterium-depleted medium (No. 5) chronic toxicity appeared at 72 h (Table 3). These results can be explained by the suggestion that certain amounts of deuterium in growth medium are necessary to inhibit the processes associated with cell metabolic activity. Thereby, both deficiency and excess of deuterium could be negative for cell activity in vitro (also described by other authors.” and “Under deuterium content below natural there was a stimulating effect on proliferation activity, but deuterium depletion caused cytotoxicity.”

Based on these findings, both deuterium excess (heavy water) and extreme deficiency (deuterium-depleted water) might be toxic to cells, though deuterium excess is undoubtedly more harmful. Future studies might show that deuterium-depleted water, in fact, does not damage cells or tissues. But currently, we do not have enough data to say that it is not toxic to cells, which is evident from the information outlined above.

By: Ana Aleksic, MSc (Pharmacy) Thu, 29 Aug 2019 10:36:29 +0000 In reply to VIctor.

Hi Victor, the study we refer to is described and referenced in the side effects section. Here is the PubMed article:

By: VIctor Sat, 24 Aug 2019 21:35:45 +0000 In your CONS, you say may be toxic to stem cells. Where is your evidence?

By: joakim Tue, 09 Jul 2019 15:30:02 +0000 demineralized water is it good as deuterium depleted water?

By: ILIA Wed, 26 Jun 2019 07:49:11 +0000 Hi, I’m Ilia, doctor from Moscow, Russia. I drink DDW(0-15 -69-80ppm range) for around 3 years everyday. I didn’t die and not received any negative effects( probably!).
What i notice:
-more energy/stimulus in basketball
– more calm when you drive car
– after 1-2 liters of beer great detox effect in minutes or you feel like that!
– if you drink it before going to bed it can take more time to fall in sleep phase.
Daily i was on 69ppm 3-4 liters per day. Before and during basketball i tried 0-15 ppm and it was great(see above effects), also 0-15ppm -great detox effect after 1-2 liters of beer. Not so great effect on 69ppm but enough..
-rosacea becomes a little bit better due to calm effect…
Cons: blood test facts-no change in fatty liver disease(still high ast, alt), in cholesterol, no hair regrowth(AGA/MPB), no weight loss even stimulate more weight, flu-like or bacterial disease 2 per year on DDW, so no protective effect of DDW i suppose. no effect on papillomas!
I also gave DDW to my grandmother-> from 88-90 y.o, i noticed more energy in her status, she suffered 2 strokes while been on DDW but in general stays well, i think it was some positive effect of DDW but DDW not protected her from bacterial infections/not rise immune system status, not protected her heart, lungs, kidneys from failure! at 90 y.o after 2 years on DDW she died due pneumonia and cystitis at level of sepsis and then due to LV-heart failure, pneumonia, kidney failure. She was also 2 years on Mitoq, Tam-818, Nad+ like Elysium(which gives noticeable stimulative effect).
After all that i think of DDW only for sports activity and detox after beer….no more, hope i got wrong but i write about my experience!

By: Vic Tue, 11 Jun 2019 01:09:22 +0000 Aleksa, you made a mistake in your article. In the CONS you list:
Not well-researched….
May be toxic to stem cells

First off, it is well researched considering Dr. Somylai wrote a book on his 8 year research on over 1000 patients using DDW. And there dozens of other studies.

Next, you have Heavy Water confused with Light Water. It is Heavy Water that “may be toxic to stem cells”. So please change that or provide evidence to the contrary.
