Comments on: Corydalis for Pain Relief + Dosage, Side Effects & Reviews Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Mon, 20 Sep 2021 16:20:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Timoteos Andreos Wed, 07 Apr 2021 04:00:34 +0000 According to CDC numbers almost 100% of “opioid overdose” deaths are from illicit drugs.
Quote from cdc page:

“Nearly 7 out of 10 of these overdose deaths were due to opioids. Nearly half of all overdose deaths, or 47%, were due to fentanyl or other synthetic opioids besides methadone. More than 1 in 5 of all overdose deaths, or 22%, were due to heroin. More than 1 in 5 of all overdose deaths, or 23%, were due to cocaine. An estimated 1 in 5 of all overdose deaths were due to methamphetamine or other psychostimulants with abuse potential.”

47% fentanyl/synthetic opioids,
22% heroin,
23% cocaine,
20% (est) methamphetamine other stinulants.

Here we have the experts at CDC percentages add up to 113%.

In any case, there is 113% and no mention of legally prescribed opioid pain medications.
So what we see then, is that the so called opioid overdose “epidemic” is a bunch of deadees via an open border and illegal drug trafficking business with more than approx half the ODs coming from cocaine and methamphetamines.
It is great tp find alternatives that have not been illogically banned yet, but if anyobe looks at the history of how the US government, worked habd in hand with a long term propagandist media used racism (created by the media over years of faje news stories) worked along with oil robber barons to get both cannabis and opium banned.
Fact us, pure opium is one of the lowest overdode drugs around having been used for thousands of years without issues.
It was when the 1700s versions of the robber barons like British East Indies began trafficking opium SMOKING as a recrrational highly addictive abuse that victimized poor people in many countries.
Why are TPTB lying about the “dangers if opioids” when it is right there in reports no one is overdose dying from Rx pain meds?
By their own numbers, fentanyl, heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine are killing approx. 60-70 a yearsl, except the total for 20 years is 800,000?
(Average is 40,000 a year)
In fact what is really happening is that they are taking away the only source of pain relief for millions of Americans, keaving them so desperately in pain that many either commit suicide or turn to street drugs where one overdose of carfentanyl is 2.5 MICROGRAMS! 2.5 millionths of a gram!
Fentanyl overdose estimate start at 2.5 Thousandths of a gram.

In any case, the entire story being pushed about how dangerous opioids are (these drugs have been used for decades, safely) falls apart and is obvious propaganda.

Now of course there are thousands turning to canabbis which has suddenly been made acceptable to use, yet iniformed pain patients are actually degrading their physical condition via smoking cannabis.
Eating the full spectrum cannabis plant free from pesticides/chemical fertilizers, IS a beneficial use for moderate pain management, with the caveat that cannabis causes negatuve effects on brain function, which for many is a non starter.

In this article, people using corydalis report the same teduced brain function as cannabis users, whereas people given opioids for pain, can actually have a meaningful productive life.

In closing, looks to me more like a deliberate action to increase suffering for the working classes, for the sake of diverting pain sufferers from being able to work, or note importantly, to read and study, whereas many are uncovering the fact thst US (and other governments) claims to desire to reduce unatural deaths is a massuve lie when you see they refuse to ban all human tobacvo consumption (an act that would evebtually save over 500,000 to 1 000,000 lives a year in tge US, and over 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 lives a year worldwide.
This of course also would expand out via the elimination if the massive air, land and water pollution caused by the trillions if cigatettes smoked, butts tossed aside, and the arable land and pollution involved in tobacco cultivation.

So to bring it home, there is no PRESCRIPTION OPIOID CRISES.
The entire story is a deliberate fake story with the obvious real goal being to remove access to cheap effective pain relief, cause mass suffering for millions of people, while cheap alcohol, tobacco use, low quality food/ingredients, high exposure to toxic air, water and land, al9ng with massive exposures to a literal electrosmog of virually every radio frequency being transmitted 24-7.
Rather than reduce toxic burdens and allowing humans to eliminate toxibs, modern medicine jas indoctrinated hundreds of millions of people tp think consuming drugs, getting surgery, or being blasted with deadly radiation are readonable treatments, whereas the entirr animal kingdom’s main cure for things is fasting.
In any case, if you want health, shutting off the brainwashing at the source is really your only hopr.
What am I saying?
Well, television alters a person’s brain waves from nornal atentiltion to a highly suggestive Alpha wave state in less than 30 seconds.

Pasteur VS Bechamp,
Germ vs Terrain theory,
TV hypnotization,

Shalom, Joe,
I do thank you for your article on corydalis,

I am not a doctor, are expert in the manner of thus system’s accredited experts.

But I can read. And via reading as much if what the expert present as true facts as is possibke for me, I can see the entire situation is not what is being claimed.

If you want to be healthy, then here are what ai have noticed and wouod make sense:
1. Drink clean water free from chlorine, fluoride, and contamination.
2. Eat whole healthy foods, sourcing as much as possible from your own garden/farm.
3. Make your home and work environment as toxin free as possible. This means cessation of using toxic products including furniture, pesticides, air fresheners etcm
4. Turn off all your devices (better still, shut off most power in your home when you sleep.
5. Open your windows and breath air.
6. Walk barefoot as often as you cab.
7. Sungazing. Initiate sungazing and grounding (being barefoot) in the morning and evening.
8. Stop watching broadcast TV and stop watching online videos. READ. READ. READ. Read some more. Also, talk with other humans.
9. Listen to binaural beats at 532Hz 10 minutes a day.
10. Deliberately take time to think positive thoughts, in your mind, send forth your positive thinking out to others. You can even physically say stuff like:
“I send blessings health and happiness to people of good heart on this earth.”
11. Send positive thoughts to you own biome and your family and friends.

All of these actions will have a posituve effect on yourselt and others simpmy by doing and saying them.
I send bkessings to all who read my posts, and listen so as to gain a better more positive, healthy life.

Timoteos Andreos.
