Comments on: 8+ Surprising Brewer’s Yeast Benefits + Nutrition, Uses Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Mon, 20 Sep 2021 16:18:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eva Ferret Wed, 24 Feb 2021 19:38:29 +0000 Thank you for sharing this article about Brewers yeast. I bought a big box a while ago, but haven’t used any of it yet. I take 1-2 ts of nutritional yeast every day, but I’m soon out of it. I wanted to know if I could use Brewers yeast the same way, and I’m so grateful I came across this.

Kindly regards Eva Ferret (vegan)

By: Donovan Rochdale Sat, 12 Dec 2020 12:18:52 +0000 I loose hope in Breawers yeast until I came upon Annas article on the many benefits of this yeast. I thank you so Anna. Well research. You obviously love your job. I didn’t know this is could heal me but I knew oncec woken up this morning. I took some last night but was afraid because I have yeast infection but I feel my symptoms are going away and I decided to look up more about this yeast. I was pleasantly surprise.

By: Kelly Swan Thu, 27 Aug 2020 08:26:53 +0000 Thank you so much for continuing selfdecode, selfhacked , and lab analysis. Your sites have been instrumental in the hope’s of finding my “mystery” issues.
You mentioned that people with mold allergies may need to look at other alternatives to Brewer’s Yeast.
My question is, are mold allergies and mold toxicity considered the same within the medical community?
I have taken brewer’s yeast before without reaction. However, I am pretty sure I have mold toxicity. Would it be better to just by pass brewer’s yeast for another alternative?
Thank you for your time.

By: Amelia Tue, 10 Sep 2019 16:49:48 +0000 When I turned 64 and short of money for food I remembered that Adelle Davis wrote that no one needed to suffer from a lack of protein, by using the cheap brewers yeast. For some months i added a tablespoon of BY and a tablespoon of wheatgerm to my morning oats. After 3 months I thought I noticed that my crepey skinned arms were looking “juicier” but dismissed it as wishful thinking. However soon afterwards friends I met when shopping started commenting that ai looked so good that they barely recognised me.. I told one friend that I as eating BY and WG and she frantically ran to the aisle to buy some. So…they were not flattering me. As time progressed my body started looking like an athlete’s, curvy and muscular. I am now 70 and my body is like a glamour model, the same as when I was 18. My face is somewhat wrinkled but nothing like other women of my age. Vive Brewers Yeast. I now also make fake cheese powder to sprinkle over veggies and eggs. Delish. BY plus mustard powder plus garlic and onion powder and salt and pepper.

By: Yadja Fri, 16 Aug 2019 12:03:31 +0000 My mother who beat cancer 30 years, always took Brewers yeast. Our home filled with medical books, books on natural healing and herbs. She looked 10 to 15 years younger all her life. She had been a POW for the duration of WWII and had cancer when I was 5. With nobody to give me to and given only 5 years to live after her surgery, she said she chose life. She swore by eating only unadulterated foods, taking vitamins, minerals and herbs and Brewers yeast daily.

By: Om Sat, 08 Jun 2019 03:57:05 +0000 Hi,

Re: Brewer’s yeast and inflammation

Your article “15 Surprising Brewer’s Yeast Benefits” is very good,
it provides so much wonderful info based on sci studies.

And I would like to learn more from you.

In your article, it said:
// S. cerevisiae has a wide arrange of beneficial health effects like lowering cholesterol, enhancing the immune system, decreasing inflammation, and relieving symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) [3, 4]. //

However, the following article suggested :
// Brewer’s yeast is a potent inducer of fever, sickness behavior and inflammation within the brain //
Brewer’s yeast is a potent inducer of fever, sickness behavior and inflammation within the brain. – PubMed – NCBI

Most grateful if you could kindly let me know your comment about
that esp Brewer’s yeast and inflammation.

Furthermore, if you are OK, pls also let me know your comment on
nutritional yeast and inflammation.

Million thz!

By: Thomas Ogren Sat, 27 Apr 2019 18:50:15 +0000 I’ve found that taking 2-3 brewer’s yeast tablets a day stopped me from getting any more boils or styes in the eye. It also seems to help with tooth and gum infections. Also seems to increase energy levels.

By: Dirk Fri, 04 May 2018 14:47:46 +0000 Get the yeast grown on beets.

By: Ma Mole Thu, 18 Jan 2018 05:18:50 +0000 My daughter has Candidia Utilis (one form of bakers yeast) in her gut. She also can’t drink tap Water without going into convulsions but she can drink coffee made with tap water, which I always found curious. Then I read they use bakers yeast in water treatment plants to eat up bad bacteria. So maybe heating the water kills the yeast and that’s why she can drink coffee but not tap water. Maybe it’s the yeast at the root of her problem with convulsions???

By: Johnny Wed, 10 Jan 2018 13:48:15 +0000 Most nutritional yeast is grown on sugar beets.

By: Mayo Sun, 17 Sep 2017 22:06:16 +0000 Such a coincidence, yesterday I saw a video of Nutritionfacts “is nutritional yeast good for everyone?” I was quite shocked of a gut test they did with nutritional yeast, tomato, dairy etc. Nutritional yeast had the biggest reaction in a person with Crohn Disease. I’m not going to use it anymore because I have a sensitive gut and I’m reacting to yeast. I’m going through Topical Steroid Withdrawal, I have an overactive immunesystem, leaky gut, so this not something for me. I used it once and I got worse.

By: Nattha Wannissorn, PhD Sun, 17 Sep 2017 18:32:29 +0000 In reply to Ja.

organic one?

By: Ja Sun, 17 Sep 2017 14:29:26 +0000 Brewer’s yeast is grown on corn. GMO corn is dangerous. Is there some grown on GMO free corn?
