Comments on: Benefits of BPC 157 + Dosage, Side Effects & Reviews Cutting-Edge Solutions For a Better Life Tue, 19 Oct 2021 00:36:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Tue, 19 Oct 2021 00:36:33 +0000 What dose do you give your patients?

By: James Tue, 19 Oct 2021 00:34:20 +0000 Hi Carlos,

You mention that “doses often don’t scale between species.” True, but there is a known correlation when taking into account body mass and surface area. Mice, for instance, often require 12X the dose/weight than a human would. Rats are about 6X. Of course, this is only a correlation. Those numbers are not true for all drugs. There is an interesting article on it here:

That’s all. Just thought it might be worth mentioning in case any of your readers are curious. My PhD is in the same field as yours :)


By: Charles Atwood Wed, 14 Jul 2021 08:25:23 +0000 Excellent article. I been testing BPC 157 on myself. I have a diabetic cubicle ulcer from a brown recluse spider bite that won’t heal and has shown significant improvement in healing when injecting bpc 157 near the wound within 12 hours the skin growth and tissue granulation within record time of healing I am using 15 cc’s daily next to the wound and nothing has worked except bpc 157 all other wound therapy has failed but using bpc 157 in my leg near the wound has shown phenomenal results in healing of the wound.

I have documentation and pictures to back what I am saying.

By: Ana Wed, 12 May 2021 05:51:05 +0000 Excelente artículo Carlos. Podría contactarte para preguntarte algo sobre bpc 157?

By: C Fri, 05 Feb 2021 16:22:35 +0000 Excellent article.

By: Chris D. Sat, 07 Nov 2020 06:26:03 +0000 I bought some BPC 157 INJECTABLE.
I AM USING 0.6mg (600mcg) daily for 4 weeks to help with esophageal mucosa healing. Mine is caused by GERD.
I am trying to get to the cause of GERD but meanwhile… I have no way to see the results (endoscopy) but it seems like pain has lessened. The product is safe. I use it sc.
Has someone found it helpful in that area?
How about depression relief , perhaps at double that dose?

By: Nancy Humes Mon, 17 Aug 2020 21:21:52 +0000 I was diagnosed in March 2020 with lymphocytic colitis following a biopsy during a colonoscopy. My symptoms of severe diarrhea had been on going for a little over a year. I was on Budesonide for 3 months. After completing that regimen in mid June my symptoms have returned although not as severe. BCP 157 was mentioned to me as a possibility in treating the colitis. Is there anything else published/written that I can read in regards to BCP 157 and treating microscopic colitis? It is concerning to take something with little known effects.

By: Jogn Sat, 08 Aug 2020 10:29:19 +0000 TBH it interacts with a lot of drugs, in a very strange manner. Effects are lingering longer than duration of taking, also after one dose you can experience tolerance for a lot of substances: opiates, ketamine.

By: Matt C Mon, 06 Jan 2020 04:36:58 +0000 At our office, we have treated at a minimum, 200 patients for various injuries. I’d say, most often shoulder injuries that have been nagging patients for 6+ months. In all patients but 2 who had a tear requiring surgery, we were able to avoid surgery. In those patients who used it after surgeries, ALL patients experienced dramatically faster healing rates than told by their surgeon. Usually, it has cut the healing time in half from 3 months down to 1.5 months. This allowed them to go back to work in half the time originally planned. Many surgeons asked the patients what they were doing that caused it to heal so fast? One patient, a Government Military Special Ops Contractor, was diagnosed as having been exposed to chemical warfare. He had significant digestive problems, lost 20+ lbs, had been to multiple Specialists both inside the VA and private practice, with no symptom resolution. After only one month of oral BPC157, patients gained back all weight and returned to a normal diet, with no further symptoms. Another patient had to have a 2nd foot surgery because the bone wouldn’t heal/fuse together. After 1.5 – 2 months of injectable BPC157 into the top of the foot, the bone fully fused back together. The plan was that it could take up to 6 months to fully fuse together because the surgeon accidentally cut the bone too short. In ALL cases, about 1 week into therapy, pain subsided post-injection for about 8 hours. Then returned, requiring a 2nd dose for pain.

By: Gary Mullennix Thu, 05 Dec 2019 17:05:07 +0000 I rated it 5 stars because the explanation was quite complete. All the warnings as well.

By: John Stubbers Wed, 17 Jul 2019 21:56:14 +0000 One of the more useful reviews that I have come across.
Dr John S.
Internal Medicine specialist
Cincinnati, Ohio

By: MKW Mon, 17 Jun 2019 22:31:33 +0000 When I click to view comments on this article they are not visible. My experience of taking BPC-157 tablets 500mcg daily has been it has a “culmulative” effect. At first it helped my sleep enormously, I started sleeping longer and deeper. But over the course of around 45 days I gradually became very depressed, and it took me a while to figure out it was the BPC-157 doing this, because I had expected it would do the opposite after everything I read. It’s thought to affect gut bacteria, which in turn affects seratonin, but maybe for some people there is a paradoxical reaction, or it builds up too much in the body and overloads. Or both.

By: Thu, 30 May 2019 15:10:41 +0000 Hi,

I’ve bought the nasal spray. It says take 7 times pre day. Does this sound correct ?
