Matt Lehrer

Matt is a PhD candidate at The University of Texas at Austin and has a MS from The University of Texas at Austin.
As a scientist, Matt believes his job is not only to produce knowledge, but to share it with a wide audience. He has experience in nutritional counseling, personal training, and health promotion.
Favorite biohacks: lectin avoidance/ketogenic diet, weight lifting, running sprints, circadian rhythm optimization, sun exposure, and meditation.
Role: Science Writer

Articles by Matt Lehrer

Depression Treatment: Conventional & Psychological Options
10 Strategies for Dealing with Anxiety (incl. Meditation, Yoga)
14 Factors that May Reduce Lipopolysaccharides (LPS)
LDL-Cholesterol: High, Low, Normal Levels
35 Supplements That May Boost Mood
19 Natural Remedies for Anxiety: Supplements, Herbs, etc.
16 Natural Mood Enhancers (Lifestyle Changes & More)
What Do We Know About Adrafinil? Potential Uses and Side-Effects
28 Natural Strategies to Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels